Wednesday 18 September 2013

Am Am

Today we had a mixed am am on the course so earlier in the week we were preparing the course for the event and for a save the children event on Monday. All was left to do this morning was to prepare the greens surfaces, cut surrounds, rake bunkers and continue with semi rough. The greens were brushed, groomed and cut looking good ready for play.

Unfortunately on Monday we discovered this on the 14th green, it was easily repaired however the actions of some golfers spoil the course for others.
When changing the plug I took the opportunity to look at the rootzone profile and how the work we have done over the past few years has added sand and improved the drainage characteristics.
As you can see the top 120-150mm of the plug is consistent sandy material with cores of pure sand running down from the surface, this is going to aid drainage and increase rooting. The roots are clearly visible at the bottom of the sample penetrating through the heavier soil.
Next week we are continuing with our aeration, micro tining all the greens using 8mm tines, following this we will roll and groom to smooth the surface, using the small tines will not effect play.