Friday 6 September 2013

The end of the week has brought some welcome rain, the course is dry and even the 4mm we had today is welcome. An application of 4-0-8 fertiliser was put on the greens yesterday so it watered that in nicely. The turf will start to benefit from the added nutrients early next week. The last stage of solid tining will be around the 17th September, from then on the greens will be micro tined regularly with 8mm tines to keep them aerated, reducing the applications of sand when growth slows. I'm sure all golfers will welcome smoother greens towards the end of the season.
Yesterday morning we had a couple of moments of bad fortune, an animal had caused slight damage to the 2nd green which had to be plugged out and one of the greens mowers sprung a oil leak on the 19th green.

All the long rough is cut down and collected and will be tidied up again next week.