The bunkers on 10-18 have been tidied as they were on 1-9 previously. Sand pushed up faces and into low spots. Areas have been strimmed and tidied. A fungicide has been applied to greens 10-18 now the grass has grown through the sand. And today we have sprayed 19-27 greens with sulphate of iron, to reduce moss leading up to renovation on those greens.
It's incredible to think that after 14mm of rain on Monday that when I put a winter cup into the 24th fairway this is what I found.
No moisture at all. Admittedly this is one of our drier fairways but I was surprised to see the ground this dry. There is an amount of thatch/ matted material at the surface which does limit moisture penetrating deeper into the profile. However I would of expected the top 100 mm to be moist. This goes to show what I dry year it has been and emphasises what I was saying regarding the trees struggling. Grass also needs moisture and if it isn't deep enough can lead to shallow rooting and turf stress. This is why we apply wetting agents to greens especially. They break down the tension of water to help them move through soil.
The rest of this week we will be catching up on all cutting jobs. Dave sawdon is still with us and has made a start on the heather borders around the clubhouse.