All the tees have been sprayed again with carbendazim and iron to discourage worm activity, then we have started to spray the fairways with the same mix. Cutting continues in most places although frequency has reduced. We are making good progress tining fairways, 5 have been completed, it is a slow process as we are using a lot of heave and at close spacings, however the results should be worth it. The 12mm tines are getting worn fairly quickly.
This is the wear after 4 fairways, showing around 100mm of lost material, wear is mainly through continual grinding of the soil on the metal, the excess compaction will accelerate the wear rate as it is harder for the machine to push the tine in to the soil. The ground is very firm, mainly due to compaction but the dry weather and a thatch layer has caused a water repellent layer to develop. We had 11mm of rain last night, which should have soaked into the ground. However this is the condition of the soil on the 16th fairway 1cm below the turf.
Bone dry!!!!!!!
As you can see from the pictures there is a lot of organic matter build up, which is mat like, holding and preventing water from moving into the soil. This in turn is restricting water uptake of the grass roots, what ever roots there are, are shallow, so when we get hot periods in summer the grass thins as it can not cope with the drought stress. Vertidraining is the first part of our plans, this will at least allow water deeper into the soil structure increasing water uptake by grass plants and improving density and growth of the sward.