What a fantastic week of weather, at last it feels warm. Day time temperatures have been up around 20 Celsius each day and more importantly night time temperatures have been high too. Meaning growth has been the strongest it has been all year. However turf that was dense already is growing healthier than other more paddled weaker areas. This is due to soil moisture and compaction. Firstly denser grass canopy holds moisture in the soil better as the soil isn't exposed to sun and wind and compaction restricts rooting meaning less availible moisture to the plant. To sum up we are still struggling to get recovery from winter wear and the badger damage earlier in the year.
Most areas are in great condition, we are talking about isolated areas across the course, however I try to ensure the course is in the best condition it can be. Not easy with limited time, we try and prioritise and work through those tasks daily.
Yesterday we held the seniors open day, always packed with over 200 playing in the competition. Greens were running well, and paced too, helped by the dry weather.
We started to turf the 20th new tee, this needs time to root and should be in play near the end of the year.