This week Will, Scott and today Rich were hard at work strimming and cleaning out the 14th ditch to allow water to run freely from the golf course. They finished it today and cleared away all the debris, due to the soft conditions we decided to hand cut it, this area is usually cut with the flail mower which comes to cut the hedges in December.
We hand raked all 1-18 bunkers after they were blown out, to ensure leaves are not mixed with the sand.
This afternoon I started topdressing some of the drains behind the 17th green, also the alteration to the back of the 17th green, the old drains have sunk slightly over time, sanding them will help level out the surface.
Adam, Scott and Alistair started altering the back of the 10th green, again to help water run off to the side of the green. After heavy rain water collects at the rear of the green due to its shape, lowering the surround by 3cm should resolve the issue.
On the 12th green we have similar issues, the shape of the green holds water like a bowl. This has been a problem ever since the green was built, in the past attempts have been made to drain the green however the original soil has been put on top of the drains which has compacted making the soil impermeable. Rob removed strips of turf on the lowest points on the green above the old drains, dug out the compacted soil and replaced it with some sandy root zone. Other areas on the green will be done tomorrow.
End of a productive day, a few more days with the weather as nice as this wouldn't be bad!
Providing a centre of information regarding the maintenance of the golf course

Thursday, 8 November 2012
About Me
- Richard Jacques
- Im the Head Greenkeeper at Malton and Norton Golf Club. I began my greenkeeping career at Malton and Norton Golf Club straight from school as an Assistant Greenkeeper. Wanting to climb the greenkeeping ladder I gained my NVQ level 2 and 3 at Askham Bryan College. I continued with my education gaining a HNC in golf course management and took the position of Deputy Head Greenkeeper at Malton and Norton Golf Club in 2005.In 2008 I was promoted to the position of Head Greenkeeper, leading a team of 6 hard working and dedicated Greenkeepers. Our aim is to continue to improve the condition of the course year on year maintaining our high reputation within the area.